Leaving for Cyprus tomorrow, and as I’m planing on bringing only the FT-817nd in the way of radio I wanted to do an activation with only the internal (Windcamp upgraded) battery before packing it up! Previously I’ve mostly used the ‘817 with external power, so I was unsure what to expect from the internal pack. Turns out there’s little reason to worry. 10 minutes on 20m SSB netted me 13 contacts without much trouble. And another 35 minutes on FT8/FT4 got me 12 more. There was still juice left in the battery when I went QRT, which is perfectly acceptable to be. Looking forward to trying out the little radio that could in what is strictly Asia! The ascent to the summit is pretty uneventful – a little over 1km from the car part to the summit, and around 120m in elevation. Basically a nice walk, and an easy summit. Recommended!