Winter bonus season is upon us, an it really started out with a bang. Close to -20°C at its coldest, I spent about 1 hour and 10 minutes walking up and about 50 minutes going back down. Easy walk on well maintained forest road for most of the way but I’m glad i brought the snow shoes, as they as they came in very handy on the final ascent. Not much movement in the air, but still cold enough that I had what felt like half a kilogram of ice in my beard by the time I got back to the car. Brought the FX-4CR and my 10m tall L-matched 20m antenna and finished 11 contacts in 6 minutes. I did have a nice pile-up going, but I had to cut it short to be sure I had time to get back down before loosing daylight. Apologies to the chasers that didn’t get through, I’ll do my best to catch you on the next one. More work then I was expecting, but the view of the sun setting over the virgin snow on the summit alone was well worth the effort.