Another day, another SOTA. Rounding up the 1-pointers this last weekend before bonus season. Starting next Friday, all the local 2-pointers will yield an additional 3 winter bonus points. So; no ticks and 150% winter bonus! What’s not to like? Well, to answer my own question – snow! Snow’s what’s not to like. Todays summit had around 300 metres of elevation. Which really isn’t a lot. But when its covered in a progressively deeper layer of snow it’s actually hard work. So I spent about 1 hour and 10 minutes going up and about 50 minutes coming back down. Now, as an overweight middled aged man, I’m content with that, but the accent did involve more the a little heavy breathing. The view when I got up there quickly wiped any memory of hardship though. I had a spectacular view over at least 180° of the horizon. And with the sun breaking through the clouds just as I got up, I could comfortably sit down to activate in just a thin shirt! Great conditions and 50 in the log in a smidge over half an our. And a lot of familiar voices and call signs, which is always nice! Far from the easiest way to earn a SOTA point, but still happy I went!