Tag: Vertikal
SOTA: LA/BU-116 Skotlia
Winter bonus season is upon us, an it really started out with a bang. Close to -20°C at its coldest, I spent about 1 hour and 10 minutes walking up and about 50 minutes going back down. Easy walk on well maintained forest road for most of the way but I’m glad i brought the…
SOTA: LA/TM-091 Austre Nuke
Another day, another SOTA. Rounding up the 1-pointers this last weekend before bonus season. Starting next Friday, all the local 2-pointers will yield an additional 3 winter bonus points. So; no ticks and 150% winter bonus! What’s not to like? Well, to answer my own question – snow! Snow’s what’s not to like. Todays summit…
SOTA: LA/TM-248 Tiurkollen
Winter is fastening its grip once again, which means the forests around where I live are now free of ticks! I’ve been looking forwards to this for quite some time now. Of course activating in sub-zero temperatures has it’s own challenges, and I’m sure by the time spring comes around I’ll be more then happy…
Vertikal monopole for 17m
Tester og tilpasser vertikal monopole for 17m. Endte til slutt opp med en lengde på 3575mm DX10. Det er 15cm kortere en det simuleringene mine skulle tilsi, men enten er 4NEC2 ganske dårlig på å modellere antenner med store, jordnære radial-plan, eller så er jeg ganske dårlig på å bruke 4NEC2! Bruker “mobil” settet mitt…