Winter is finally letting go, and today was this years first SOTA activation where I didn’t have to wade through snow to get to the summit. It was raining for most of the night and early morning, so I picked an easy one. And for once, that turned out to be true! Spent about 35 minutes walking up, and 25 minutes coming back down. 30 minutes of radio netted me 38 contacts (and 6 summit-to-summits) on 20m SSB. Pretty happy with that! Brought my recently built 1/4 wave ground plane antenna. Feed some 4 meters above ground, with 3 elevated radials. This was it’s 4th outing in 3 days, and it seems to work as expected. With any luck I’ll find the time and motivation (at the same time) to write up the build. No notable DX, but I think today was my first contact with Bosnia Herzegovina on SSB. Pictures below the log!