Time for a break from Christmas related activities; let’s get out of the noise and up onto higher ground. I’m lucky enough to live in a city, and still have access to nature and high-ish ground within walking distance of my home! Was planing a SOTA activation today, but that didn’t happen! So the next best thing was walking up to my local high ground. Frodeåsen, about 70m above sea level. My good friend the FT-817ND and an inverted-V from a 5m pole. Nice conditions on 20m. Was heard across Europe, into North America, Asia and Australia. All on just 5W from the little ‘817. About an hour on FT8 and FT4, and I had logged the following:
- SP2JGG, Poland – 1700km
- GM5WS, Scotland – 1900km
- LX1RFJ, Luxembourg – 2500km
- M0KVV, England – 2300km
- OM1WCF, Czech Republic – 2100km
- SP5CWC, Poland – 1900km
- W2ARX, United States – 5700km
- EV1P/M, Belarus
- DK1FY, Germany – 2000km
- HA1DJF, Hungary – 2600km
- HA6RR, Hungary – 2500km
- RX3AJM, Russia – 1800km
- PA0NKK, Netherlands – 2000km
- DJ1AA, Germany – 2100km
- DP0RDD, Netherlands – 2000km
- G4ENH, England – 2200km