Tried something different for the LA1T 10m net. Attached a telescopic CB antenna to my X6100 and went “pedestrian portable” from Signalen (145 meters above sea level). Running 5W into the ~1m long antenna sitting at eye-level was of course quite different from my normal setup running 100W into a sleeve dipole up a 10m mast. But I heard all but one of the other stations (spread over an area with a radius of more then 50km), and I think I was heard by all but two. I’m actually surprised it worked as well as it did! Tested the FT-817ND at 2.5W from the same location two weeks ago, but with the sleeve dipole at 10m, and both the reception and received reports were vastly better. So I’m looking forward to future tests in the QRP power range, but probably not with the telescopic whip (unless there’s a particular need to be pedestrian mobile). Interesting to see that it’s possible though!
Forgot my notepad, so no log this time…