Too much crappy weather lately, so both the 11-year old and myself really needed to get out a bit. And even though one of us would rather stay home and play computer games, we both went :-). Not really sure how much snow we should expect, we went for something safe and simple. Hotankollen in Telemark turned out to be a good choice! With a height of 253m, the walk up has a total elevation of 115m. And the snow shoes I brought turned out to be just useless ballast. The new (to me) FT-891 on the other hand was anything but! As can be seen from the PSK Reporter screen shot, I was heard from Alaska to Australia. But the furthest I made a contact was Saudi Arabia. May be time to think about another antenna! But all in all I’m happy with the following 8 in the log from 13 minutes of FT8/FT4:
- ES6RQ, Ants – Estonia (FT8)
- GM4FDM, Tom – Scotland (FT8)
- HB9EFK, Nick – Switzerland (FT8)
- MM0HVU, David – Scotland (FT8)
- HZ1CY, Ahmed – Saudi Arabia (FT4)
- 9A7DRB, Kazo – Croatia (FT4)
- DD1AY, Andreas – Germany (FT4)
- HB9HQX, Beat – Switzerland (FT4)