Was planning on activating Mistberget (LA/AH-006) today, but that would entail setting an alarm and getting up early. On a Sunday! Not really our favourite thing. So we settled on something a bit closer to home. There are several routes up, but we parked by Holtetjønn about a kilometre from Hvarnes in Lågendalen. Approximately 5km each way, and a total of about 315 metres elevation. We spent about two hours walking up; a little less coming back down. Neither the walk up nor the summit offered much in the way of a view, but as I understand it there’s quite the view to be had if we’d continued a few hundred metres south from the summit.
No complaints about the conditions today; brought the Yaesu FT-817ND (running on external power, so a mind blowing 5W) and my 20m inverted-V dipole on a 5m tall fishing pole. Pretty happy with the following results!
- IZ5JNO Gianfranco, Italy
- RD5R Slava, Russia
- M0DPK Phil, England
- S51PV Peter, Slovakia
- WA0VRC Robert, U.S.A.
- 3Z9W Zygmunt, Poland
- SQ8LSB Grzegorz, Poland
- M3CNC Andrew, England
- RU6UR Yuri, Russia
- S57NIK Ika, Slovenia
- II0IAJV Italian navy ship
- HA8XI Tibor, Hugary
- GB75TAR John, England