I’ve heard Tromsø described as “the Nordic Paris” – but I’m pretty sure people saying this falls into one of three categories; 1) People that has never been to Tromsø, 2) People that have never been to Paris, or 3) People that has been to neither Tromsø nor Paris! Not to say anything bad about Tromsø; it’s a surprisingly nice place. But it’s nothing like Paris 🙂
Not one to pass up a chance to play radio from a mountain, I took the cable up Storsteinen. With about a few degrees below 0, a bit of wind and three hours from sunrise to sunset, this turned out to be a rather chilly affair!
FT817ND on internal battery, so all off 2.5W into my 20m inverted-V dipole from the 5m pole. Not the best of conditions, but 40 minutes of FT8 got me the following in the log:
- OH1FOL, Raivo – Finland, 910km
- PA3GLQ, Will – Netherlands, 2130km
- RA1OHX, Mikhail – Russia, 1270km
- SP6DVP, Kris – Poland, 2005km
- SP6ZT, Jerzy – Poland, 2005km
- RV0AR, Pavel – Russin, 3720km
- R1CBW, Vitaliy – Russia, 1245km